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What is IBS?

It is the international business school aligned with Entrecomp's European standards. IBS students are expected to have key conceptual knowledge of business and small business principles. Successful completion of these certifications will validate the skills and knowledge for those students interested in being the future entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.



6 international certifications

multidisciplinary knowledge

Alignment with European standards And Prepared for the future

IBS objectives

Business Education

Importance | Characteristics of an entrepreneur |Identify strengths, risks of the venture | Recognize a business opportunity | Starting a venture | Social ventures

Recognize opportunities

Idea generation | Evaluation of opportunities | Analyze the demand for goods and services | Identify potential customers | Recognize a value proposition | Market Research Methods

Start a business

Identify the purpose of a business plan | Legal structure | Types of licenses and regulations required | Funding sources | Identify support and support | Identify social responsibilities

Commercial operations

Identify the human resource | Identify if product and service providers are needed | Taxes that are required | Copyright and patents | Operating procedures | Business sustainability factors | Milestones as part of the growth strategy

Marketing and sales

Understand customer needs | Sales strategy | Cost / benefit of finding customers | Retain customers and repeat sales | Value and methods of communication

Financial management

Interpret financial statements | Credit score | Fixed and variable expenses | End customer price | Cash flow | Break-even point of a business

International Business School

6 international certifications

"The IBS objectives are grouped into the development and international certification of 6 skills.”


What is EntreComp?

EntreComp is a complete, flexible and versatile framework designed to help you understand entrepreneurship as a key competence for lifelong learning and to use it in your work. Its objective is to support and inspire actions to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of future entrepreneurs and businessmen.

Create a shared understanding of knowledge.
The skills and attitudes that make up what it means to be an entrepreneur.
Discover and act on opportunities and ideas, and transform them into social, cultural or financial value for others.


15 Equally Important Competencies

The competencies are of equal importance and are numbered to allow easy reference, the order does not imply a sequence or hierarchy.

Adaptable and flexible

It is reasonable to expect that some competencies will be given more emphasis than others, or that the model will adapt by prioritizing.

A simple starting point

The EntreComp wheel can be seen as a simple starting point to understand and interpret what is meant by entrepreneurial competence.

EntreComp Basics

Identifies competencies

Identify the skills that make someone an entrepreneur. These can then be used to support entrepreneurial learning.

The EntreComp Wheel

It offers an overview of the different but interconnected competencies.


At its simplest level, EntreComp is made up of 3 competency areas: Ideas and Opportunities, Resources, and In Action.



EntreCom together with IBS

EntreComp Building Blocks

Below each of the 15 competencies are a number of different threads that describe what the particular competency actually means in practical terms. These threads are the basic components of each competition.

The image on the Left shows the threads for 3 competencies: Creativity, Working with others and Mobilizing resources. For example, the Creativity strands are: being curious and open, developing ideas, defining problems, designing value, and being innovative.




A progression model with 8 levels.


With the increase of the autonomy of the student.


Adaptable to your context


Using EntreComp

EntreComp is a framework of 15 business competencies, broken down into clearly defined sub-processes through learning outcomes that are mapped through 8 different levels of progression from beginner to expert.

3 Skill Areas
15 Competitions
60 threads
8 levels of progression




Entrepreneurship as Competition

Entrepreneurship as a competency is the ability to act on opportunities and ideas to create value for others. EntreComp recognizes the opportunity to be an entrepreneur in any situation: from the school curriculum to innovation in the workplace, from community initiatives to applied learning at university.

EntreComp can help you achieve a series of objectives:

Mobilizing a user group means capturing interest and inspiring action Includes sub-goals to increase awareness and understanding of entrepreneurship as a key competence, business education and learning to create a common vision and language for stakeholders , and to start partnerships in the local ecosystem, taking EntreComp as a reference.
Creating value means adapting the EntreComp framework to your own context. This means translating it into different languages, adapting it for new audiences, using it to support evidence-based practice, and using it to align existing skills and recruitment frameworks.
Evaluate and assess is to understand the starting point or demonstrate the progress made. It means using EntreComp to map existing actions or resources, discover skill gaps, identify individual strengths and weaknesses, but also reflect on or assess learning, using EntreComp to self-assess learning and demonstrate progression.
Using EntreComp to help with the implementation of ideas or projects Means designing apprenticeships or practical business experiences, designing skills development and career paths or start-up pathways, incorporating EntreComp or linking other key competencies, establishing or improving existing ones. start-up support initiatives, and to develop entrepreneurial organizations with EntreComp.
Skill recognition EntreComp is used to recognize skill development and identify professional competencies, or to demonstrate the impact of programs or activities.